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曾经是强大的古罗马帝国的心脏, 意大利拥有数千年的历史. 参观世界七大奇迹之一:罗马斗兽场, 最大也是最古老的圆形剧场之一, 古罗马人常去的地方 角斗士格斗和戏剧表演,以及其他壮观场面. 在比萨斜塔拍一张完美的意大利照片, the 14th century bell tower built on too-soft ground that sunk under on one side. 走进梵蒂冈的圣. 彼得大教堂, 米开朗基罗的圣母像在哪里,圣彼得在哪里, 耶稣的门徒之一, 据说被埋葬了. Explore the ruins of Pompeii, an entire society frozen in time under a blanket of volcanic ash and 维苏威火山喷发的浮石. 回到古罗马的万神殿, one of the empire’s best-preserved sites that started as a temple and became a Catholic church. 漫步在梵蒂冈城的街道上,罗马的首都 两千年来全球的基督教信仰. 参观著名的佛罗伦萨大教堂,这座城市的建筑瑰宝. Hop on a short flight from mainland 意大利 to Sicily and wander the Palazzo Conte Federico in Palermo, 满座宫殿 奢华的马赛克地板, 巴洛克天花板壁画, 盔甲套装, and antiques collected by the owning family over centuries of the palace’s history. Not to be outdone by other popular European destinations, 意大利 boasts some of the most exquisite nature scenes on the continent, with plenty of activities for outdoor enthusiasts to enjoy. Get a bird’s eye view of Tuscany’s breathtaking countryside of rolling green hills in a hot air balloon. 滑雪或单板滑雪 意大利阿尔卑斯山, 斜坡在哪里?, 的观点, 和粉末可以与法国和瑞士的同行相媲美. 浸泡在萨图尼亚温泉温暖、含硫的水中. 乘船去撒丁岛的马达莱纳群岛 在清澈碧绿的海水上享受一天的日光浴. 在一个温暖的春日,到城堡周围的田野里采花, 翁布里亚山城. Work your way along the stunning Amalfi Coast to see some of the most colorful and charming 意大利的小镇,俯瞰着原始的海景. 为了领略这个国家同样诱人的自然美景, 漫步在意大利西北角的里维埃拉. 徒步游览活火山埃特纳火山或度过整个周末 探索五渔村国家公园. 漫步于意大利风景如画的葡萄园之中, 那里的葡萄藤上挂着紫色的葡萄. Picnic on the banks of Lake Como in Lombardy, where you can admire the Grigna Mountains 和周围的红顶别墅景观.  




意大利文艺复兴的发源地, 弗洛伦斯 rose to prominence in the early 15th century for advocating the arts and cultivating the ideas of visionaries like Galileo, 但丁, 和米开朗基罗.
77°F (25°C)
44°F (6.5°C)
  • 细 & 艺术工作室
  • 外语 & 文学
  • 宝博体育
  • 社会科学


罗马展出了数千年的历史. 古代世界, the Italian Renaissance and the modern world come together in 意大利’s capital city. 罗马是真正的“永恒之城”.”
75°F (24°C)
46°F (8°C)
  • 业务
  • 沟通
  • 宝博体育
  • 社会科学

Much of the world’s most prized and skillfully crafted art hails from 意大利 and remains there, 等着你亲自去看. From Michelangelo’s David sculpture to Botticelli’s The Birth of Venus painting to Da Vinci’s The Last Supper fresco at the Chiesa Santa Maria, great art survives around every corner. You’re just as likely to find art in the streets and on the walls of buildings new and old as you are in the museums. 无论你的意大利之旅带你去哪里, 抽出一些时间来欣赏拉斐尔著名的雅典学派壁画, 卡拉瓦乔黑暗忧郁的画作, 贝尔尼尼优雅的大理石雕塑收藏在博尔盖塞画廊.  抬头欣赏米开朗基罗的壁画吧 在西斯廷教堂的天花板上. 在罗马著名的许愿池许愿. 参观那不勒斯的国家考古博物馆,看看这两种古希腊文化, 罗马, 文艺复兴时期的艺术品和文物从庞贝城恢复, 赫库兰尼姆, 和其他 古城在公元79年的维苏威火山爆发中被摧毁. 感谢丰富的新鲜, 当地食材和食物的文化重要性, 意大利菜是欧洲最好的菜之一, 来自半岛顶端的卡拉布里亚地区 到北部边境的伦巴第和皮埃蒙特. 用一杯美味的浓缩咖啡开始新的一天, 意大利对咖啡世界的贡献深受国际喜爱. 如果你在春季或夏季去意大利,那么panzanella沙拉是最好吃的 a perfect lunch option, with its ripe, colorful vegetables and crunchy hunks of stale bread. 如果你想吃披萨, 你可以很容易地在任何一个大城市找到它, 无论你喜欢薄皮的那不勒斯式还是厚皮的 西西里风格. 没有品尝当地葡萄酒的意大利之旅是不完整的. 吃晚饭, 尽情享受各种手工制作的意大利面, 就像春天的蔬菜配香蒜沙司, 意大利面配橄榄和刺山柑, 第一大, 肉酱,意大利千层面,意大利面和意大利肉酱. 但不要在意大利美食之旅就此止步! 比如佛罗伦萨牛排, 炖牛尾, 意大利烩饭是意大利面独有的选择. 这是一些小事情 当地生产的橄榄油, 新鲜出炉的面包, and the many native cheeses that appear across dishes—that ultimately make dining in 意大利 a real pleasure, 每顿饭. 意大利人知道如何以高潮结束一天的美食之旅:甜点 选择包括美味的冰淇淋, 奶油意式奶冻, 丰富的提拉米苏, 甜煎饼卷, 仅举几个例子.   





CEA CAPA佛罗伦萨中心

The 学习+宝博体育 program in 弗洛伦斯 is designed for students who are aspiring professionals that want to distinguish themselves in an evolving global job market. The program allows you to make progress toward your academic degree and remain on track for graduation, while developing the top skills employers want you to gain by the time you enter the job market. 在节目中, you will intern at a local host organization while also taking our mandatory Global 宝博体育 Course and additional courses. Our diverse range of courses will provide you with a platform to excel academically, and your personalized internship placement will help you acquire professional experience from a global perspective and learn from professionals in an international context. 程序选项取决于位置, 但可能包括:学期, 夏天, 兼职及全职宝博体育, 以及英语和东道国语言宝博体育


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业务 & 心理学

业务 & 心理学


钻研政治, 经济, 以及全球化对商业的影响, as well as the impact on society as you develop valuable skills applicable across a wide range of career opportunities. Examine the complex relationships between business and society and learn how psychological principles can be applied to the workplace to overcome organizational challenges. You’ll gain first-hand experience in local business strategies and how to influence behavior as you explore local environments, 与专业人士会面, 参加学术实地考察,提供现实世界的视角. Build the international cultural fluency you need to effectively navigate an increasingly global world.


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  • 起价20395美元

有很多很酷的方式来体验意大利. 骑自行车穿过罗马,或者乘坐贡多拉游览威尼斯的运河. 如果你是高级时装的粉丝, 抓住机会参观意大利各大品牌的总部吧, 包括古奇, 阿玛尼, 普拉达,范思哲,华伦天奴,杜嘉班纳 & Gabbana和Fendi. 在伊夫里亚举行为期三天的食物大战,庆祝橙子之战. 参观维罗纳,著名的莎士比亚的罗密欧之城 & 朱丽叶,为城市的年度歌剧节. 看 the Italian national football team play one of their rivals before an audience of passionate fans. 当你在意大利留学的时候, you’ll have the opportunity to experience one of the oldest and richest cultures on earth, 提高意大利语水平 技能,享受欧洲最好的艺术、美食和自然. Take classes at one of 意大利’s many reputable universities and consider gaining valuable pre-professional experience with an internship abroad. 无论你选择在这里学习什么, 课程结束后,你会发现生活是多么的愉快.  



  • 免费的博物馆 Sticking around 弗洛伦斯 on the weekends pays off if you plan to visit the Uffizi Gallery, 大卫在学院, 位于巴格罗的国家雕塑博物馆, the various museums at Palazzo Pitti and the Boboli Gardens…Every first Sunday of the month, 这些国立博物馆免费入场.
  • 欣赏风景 参观佛罗伦萨最迷人、最具标志性的景点之一——老桥. 横跨阿诺河, 如今,老桥以其珠宝店而闻名, 艺术的卖家, 还有古董精品店. 在桥上漫步,欣赏浪漫的景色!
  • 爬上叶柄 从罗马众多小山的山顶上可以看到罗马最美的景色, 但最终的视角必须是在贾尼罗骨的顶端. 从这座山顶上,罗马的全景尽收眼底. If you visit just before noon, you can witness the daily cannon shot that marks the hour.
  • 散步 罗马 is known for its mild climate and light, making it a great city to explore on foot. One of the best things to do in 罗马 is simply to stroll from one neighborhood to the next. 即使是最有经验的旅行者也会发现一些新的东西!